May 27, 2021
Sahar talks about how to interpret symbols in a Turkish Coffee Cup to gain insights into your life and the future. More information is available in her book, Your Fortune in A Coffee Cup - The Art of Divining with Coffee Grounds.
When it comes to interpreting symbols, there are universal symbols, and personal symbols...
May 27, 2021
This is a debut novel by young writer Stephanie Clare Brookes. Stephanie tells the story of a young woman who decides to take control of her life, even if it means failure. Her book is about empowering you to achieve your life goals and to enjoy life to the full, just as you always dreamt it would be.
We often live our...
May 21, 2021
Merryn Jose, founder of interviews Sahar about her book: Your Future In A Coffee Cup. This is the first book written about the subject in 600 years! Sahar uses real photography and explains how it is possible for the mind to form patterns in your coffee cup, and what this information can reveal.
May 14, 2021
Many of my clients do not know that I started as a professional intuitive offering psychic readings on a soul level to guide clients to the right path.
Often, what makes a good psychic reading is often overlooked, relinquishing your self-will to the reader! You can design your future and be aware of the opportunities...
May 7, 2021
This is not for the faint-hearted! We continue our exploration of consciousness with Dr. Penny Kelly. We discuss the stages of manifestation of consciousness from the "I AM", to the physical, and how this relates quantum physics principles to creating a product or running a corporation!
Consciousness is evolving to...