Mar 26, 2021
Life mostly makes sense - in hindsight! This is how my life journey unfolded, one thing lead to another until I realised I had uncovered my life purpose feeling fulfilled. I am sharing this with you to help you see if your life journey makes sense to you, and how each trauma or adverse situation is sometimes necessary...
Mar 25, 2021
We discuss voice, angels, Atlantis, Princess Diana of Wales. Stewart Pearce is Facilitates Voice & Presentation Coaching, Sound Healing & Soul Readings he is also an angelic facilitator, a seer, and an internationally renowned voice coach who has held positions at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and the Drama Centre of...
Mar 24, 2021
Sahar discusses with Stewart Pearce, the power of Voice: Sound over Matter, how sound can destroy inanimate matter such as brain tumours. I hope that you will enjoy this fascinating interview.
Understanding how we can release our limitations and, create what we desire in life is what brings joy and freedom. If you...
Mar 22, 2021
We are delighted to bring you this interview with Stewart Pearce - Master of Voice. Stewart is a consultant to the international corporate market as a Master of Presentation, his clients have included: L`Oreal, BT, ITN World News, McKinsey & Co, Merrill Lynch, WPP Programmes and the LONDON 2012 Olympic bid. In 1998...