Nov 6, 2014
It's my pleasure to interview a modern day shaman, Kris Deva North, who is the founder of The Healing Tao, and The school for shiatsu in the United Kingdom. Kris's own journey into spirituality is a very interesting one.
Two decades after leaving the army, Kris is now a teacher and an author. He has published numerous...
Nov 6, 2014
In this interview with Sahar Dawn talks about the process of Soul Retrieval and how it can literally make you whole again. Dawn Paul is a Shaman of the Inca Lineage. She has spent time with the Q'ero of Peru and has learned ancient healing methods from them which have quick and permanent effects (equivalent to seven...
Nov 5, 2014
Dawn Paul is a Shaman of the Inca Lineage. She has spent time with
the Q'ero of Peru and has learned ancient healing methods from them
which have quick and permanent effects (equivalent to seven years
of psychotherapy). She allows the lineage of the Inca to literally
work through her. In this interview with Sahar Dawn...
Nov 2, 2014
As a new time cycle dawns and in spite of any problems and constraints you may have, while you are rushing to ‘fix’ your life try, in a truly quantum manner, to focus on one thing that impassions you. Make a commitment to opening up to something new, and see where it leads you. Don’t wait to find out ‘what you...
Nov 1, 2014
"Remember remember, the 5th of November…
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot... "
In few days, we will be celebrating Guy Fawkes Day in Britain,
which is marked by bonfires and firework parties around
the country, as 400 years ago a terrorist of the...